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Apex 1v1 Tournament


Apex Legends
Game Mode
Bracket Type
Single Elimination
Login to participate.


Opens: 1/11/2025 06:00 PM ET (one month ago)
Closes: 1/11/2025 06:59 PM ET (one month ago)
Check-In is Closed


Welcome to the HLX Apex Legends 1v1 Tournament! Please read all of the the "Details" and "Settings" sections. Registering for this tournament is acceptance of all rules listed here and on the "Rules" page.


You must Check In on this page before the tournament on this page to secure your spot. Check in opens 1 hour prior to tournament start time.

To communicate with your opponent, click on your name on the bracket and use the chat feature.

Ensure Cross Play is enabled on your game, this tournament is PC, Xbox, and PS.

This will be a best of 7 tournament. Once the Bo7 is complete, report your win or loss on the bracket page. Proof must be kept for every win (Vods, recordings, screenshots)

TIP: Using a countdown system in Voice, Discord, or Text Chat is strongly encouraged. Players could even throw a grenade in a safe direction and begin when it explodes. This is a player responsibility. Not admin.

NA Players only. Server should be set to US East, Central, or West (Whichever gives both players the fairest ping).


Firing Range Settings:
  • Game Mode: Firing Range
  • Location: BLUE BOX
                    Note: Players may not leave BLUE BOX area. Leaving the area is a forfeit for that round.
  • Infinite Ammo Reloads: OFF
  • Hit Markers: OFF
  • 3rd Person View: OFF
  • Legend Upgrade Progression: OFF
  • Friendly Fire: ON
  • Players may call 1 pause in the Bo7 for swapping weapons/attachments.

    Tournament Format
  • Single Elimination
  • Best of 7 (4 wins)

    Weapons, Legends, and Armor:
  • Evo Shield: Level 4
  • Weapons: Any
  • Legends: All except Gibraltar, Castle, and Caustic
  • Attachments: All
  • Abilities: NONE except passives

    Lobby Etiquette:
  • It is your responsibility to make sure the lobby settings are correct, regardless of who hosts. After 3 rounds, there are no resets, so be sure to check settings before starting.
  • Using a countdown system in Voice, Discord, or Text Chat is strongly encouraged.
  • Players may throw grenades in a safe direction to indicate the start of a match as well.
  • Players are expected to behave like professionals, HLX has a zero tolerance policy for misconduct.
  • Streaming is required in case of disputes. Players should enable vods, and also screenshot their stats as further proof of winning. Not providing proof during a dispute could result in both players being removed or having to replay the match.

    How to create your lobby:
    1: Launch Apex Legends and press the game mode select box. Select Firing Range
    2: Invite your opponent to your lobby.
    3: Enter the firing range.
    4: Range Leader must change the specified settings (above).
    5: After the match (once someone reaches 4 wins), report the results.
  • Prizes

    1st: $80
    2nd: $20
    3rd: Free Entry to any paid tournament on the HLX site.