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Apex Legends Scrim

Hosted by: KingPlays

Apex Legends
Game Mode
Bracket Type
Battle Royale
Login to participate.


Opens: 2/13/2025 09:00 AM ET (28 days ago)
Closes: 2/19/2025 05:00 PM ET (22 days ago)
Registration is Closed


Opens: 3/7/2025 06:00 PM ET (6 days ago)
Closes: 3/7/2025 06:30 PM ET (6 days ago)
Check-In is Closed


Welcome to the HLX Apex Legends Scrim! Please read all of the the "Details" and "Settings" sections. Registering for this tournament is acceptance of all rules listed here and on the "Rules" page.

ATTENTION: STREAMING IS REQUIRED One player per team must stream.

Your team must Check In on this page before the tournament to secure your spot. Check in opens 1 hour prior to tournament start time and closes 30 minutes before the tournament start time.

All players must be under 180 ping on NA (Iowa) Servers, no exceptions.

This tournament will be 6 rounds. Any team who leaves before finishing the tournament will not be allowed to register for future tournaments, regardless of their performance.

Servers will be Iowa, and you must be under 180 ping or you will be removed.


Mode: Battle Royal Trios
Teams: Trios
Maps: 3 World's Edge, 3 Stormpoint

Game Scoring
Eliminations: 1 Point
1st: 12 Points
2nd: 9 Points
3rd: 7 Points
4th: 5 Points
5th: 4 Points
6th-7th: 3 Points
8th-10th: 2 Points
11th-15th: 1 Point

Lobby Codes will be sent via Discord to checked in teams.


HLX Subscriber Prizes:
1st: $150 ($50 per subscribed player)
2nd: $30 ($10 per subscribed player)
Not an HLX Subscriber yet? Click Here to MAXIMIZE your prize payouts! **WARNING: You must be an HLX Subscriber BEFORE competing in the tournament to be eligible for premium prizes. Minimum Subscription tier is HLX Gamer ($5/month)

Non-Sub Prizes:
1st: $30 ($10 per subscribed player)
2nd: $12 ($4 per subscribed player)

For payout information, see the rules tab.